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Build Canaries

Early warning of project danger

Notification of breaking changes in Nevergreen v0.8.0 (Heat Wave)

How does this effect me?

You will have to configure everything again from scratch, no existing configuration will be retained. users will be forced to do so the next time they refresh after the release. Users running their own instance locally can choose when to upgrade, but once they do, they will be forced to reconfigure as well.

The problem?

We originally added some complicated code specifically for the Go and Snap servers that combined entries from the cctray xml file to try and make the final output the same as other CI servers. This code was extracted into the clj-cctray library when it was created.

As part of issue #92 we needed to change this code to make stages for these servers independently selectable. Since this now required changing the clj-cctray library we quickly realised we had extracted a specific Nevergreen concern into a library that was meant to be generic.

We thought about moving this code to the Nevergreen API, but realised we could potentially have the same problem if others wanted to use the API to create their own UIs. So we chose to push combining the returned entries to the Nevergreen UI as that was the layer that was actually opinionated about how to display them.

This now meant the UI domain no longer matched the API domain so we needed to transform the data once it was fetched into something the UI could display. Doing this with the current UI architecture proved to be very difficult, so we needed to redesign our architecture to make it easier.

Our solution?

We rewrote the UI to use the flux architecture pattern and switched to using localForage for persisting configuration.

The data being saved is very similar to v0.7.0 so we could have added migration code, but at this time we still feel adding migrations will complicate future releases too much.

Update 2016-01-06 - Further changes have been made to what is stored. This means the data stored is now very different than v0.7.0, making migrating much more difficult. This of course doesn’t change anything as we didn’t plan to migrate, just consider this an FYI.